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Name Conditional Access System Country CAId Provider ID Clines Nlines
JSC Irdeto QA 0603 139C81
JSC SPORT+ Irdeto 0603 000001
JSC SPORT+ Irdeto 0603 000002
JSC SPORT+ Irdeto 0603 000003
JSC SPORT+ Irdeto 0603 000004
JSC SPORT+ Irdeto 0627 000001
JSC SPORT+ Irdeto 0627 000002
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JSC+ Viaccess AR 0500 042400
JSC Sport+ Viaccess 0500 030700
Issuer JSC Sport+ Viaccess 0500 FFF920
ART - JSC Viaccess 0500 001500
JSC Sports Viaccess 0500 002400
JSC Sports Viaccess 0500 002410